Clean Water is a Human Right
We are inspired by the profound impact access to clean water can provide to those in impoverished areas of the globe. One can of Miri provides 29 gallons of clean water, saving women and children 36 hours a week they spend currently fetching water from the river, allowing them to go to school, take on paying work, and excel in ways they never thought possible. We are committed to our purpose.
Every culture has a flavor all its own. Every generation, too. Ours is a rich, culinary blend as expressed through waters infused with flavors sometimes subtle, sometimes bold and surprising—but always refreshing and crisp. It is our passion for these elixirs that fuel our pupose: to quench not only a basic need, but a profound humanitarian one as well—serving as a wellspring for the greater good, by providing clean drinking water to those who need it most.

Quench your thirst for better.
We are a can with a mission.
miri sold = 29 gallons of
clean water